Thursday, March 4, 2010

adaptec CLI management tool

Recently I had to install adaptec CLI management tool on an ubuntu 8.10 amd64 server. Despite the fact that aacraid driver is present in kernel, it took me a lot of time to find the management tools that allow to see the RAID status and manipulate it from command line. There are several names for the tools: afacli, aaccli, afaapps, afa-apps-snmp, arcconf, hrconf... oh my!
After I found the necessary tools (64bit arch), I packaged them into a tiny deb package adaptec-utils_0.0.1_amd64.deb, which can be downloaded from here: DELETED_AS_REDISTRIBUTION OF BINARIES_IS_PROHIBITED_BY_ADAPTEC

Also, I wrote a simple monitoring script (included in the deb package) that checks the state of the Adaptec RAID system and sends out an email if any of the published indicators is wrong (battery, failed disks, etc). The script can be downloaded from here:

Note that the script requires proprietary binary files to be installed. See the beginning of the script for the details.